§ 7.14. Budget  

Latest version.
  • Annually, or at other convenient intervals as may be determined by the board of elections, the board of elections shall determine the actual cost of its operations, including the payment of employees, the purchase of supplies, the holding of primaries and elections, the reasonable value of goods, services, or office space furnished in kind, and shall certify the total cost as so determined to the governing authority of the City of Macon and the County of Bibb. Such certification shall include such reasonable itemizations as will enable the respective governing authorities to review and examine the certification of costs. Upon receipt of such certification so made by the board of elections, the City of Macon shall pay to Bibb County 50 percent thereof as reimbursement to the county for the city's share of the operations of the Board of Elections.

(1969 Ga. Laws (Act No. 415), page 3331, § 14)